Thursday, 18 April 2019

W19_PieroAnticona_ Comparing 5D BIM Estimates against other Estimating and Budgeting Process Map. Part 2

1)    Step 5- Compare the outcomes from each alternative analysis done in Step 3 against the minimum acceptable criteria from Step 4.
To assess the differences of probabilities and consequences, it is necessary to understand the following figure that shows the involvement of stakeholders and the activities during the execution of difference phases comparing a traditional Project Delivery phase and the Integrated Project Delivery.

         Figure: Project Integrated Delivery: Working Definition

 Analysing the Integrated design process, according to the graphic, planning construction activities and accountability of responsibilities start since the conceptualisation phase. Besides, constructors are also involved since this phase. This early participation and also, the definition of how to construct and who will have an impact on the factors that might affect project cost.
For a traditional project delivery process, the analysis would be:
After assigning to each factor a probability and a consequence we get the following rank:

            The list in order of weight is as follows:


For an integrated project delivery process, the results are:

            For this case, the list in order of the weight is as follows:


            Comparing both ranks, we observe the following:

Also, the Strategy to mitigate, avoid, transfer or accept risk might be different because the weight is also different. The next table shows the strategies determined to the same factor for a different project delivery process.


2)    Step 6- Selection of the “best”.
As the reader can observe, for the same factors, the weight determined for IPD approach is lower in most of the cases. This means that despite that strategies are similar in most of the cases the impact of the factor affecting the project cost is lower in the case of the IPD approach.
This result might demonstrate that having a lower impact on the project cost, BIM with the IPD approach is a better process than a traditional one.

3)    Step 7- How to plan on tracking/reporting on recommended choice. 
Considering that the weight of the probability and occurrence of the factors is lower when using BIM, it might lead to calculate a low contingency. Then, the factors must be monitored, and low use of contingency will determine that the project estimate was well calculated.

1.    The B1M. (2015, September 16). What is 5D BIM? | The B1M [Video file]. Retrieved from
2.    SIGMA ESTIMATES. (n.d.). 5D BIM / VDC - Sigma Estimates. Retrieved January 5, 2019, from  
3.    THE B1M. (n.d.). BIM For Beginners by The B1M. Retrieved January 5, 2019, from   
4.    Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). (2016, November 4). International BIM Implementation Guide, 1st edition. Retrieved January 5, 2019, from  
5.    British Standard Institution. (2013, March 28). Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) 1192-2. Standards | BIM Level 2. Retrieved January 5, 2019, from  
6.    Guild of Project Controls. (2016, January 05). M10-3_managing_change_the_owner_perspective_-_rev_1.01-pdf. Retrieved September 15, 2018, from
7.    American Institute of Architects. (2007). Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide. Version 1. Retrieved from
8.    H. Lance Stephenson. (2015). Total cost management framework: An Integrated Approach to Portfolio, Program, and Project Management (2nd ed.). Morgantown, WV: AACE International. Page 176 - 183
9.    GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide- Best Practices for Developing and Managing Capital Program Costs. Page 8.
10. Guild of Project Controls. (2015, October 03). 08.01 Introduction to Managing Cost Estimating Budgeting Rev 1.03. Retrieved September 15, 2018, from    


  1. Hmmmmm..... Piero, you missed one of the most important SCORING ATTRIBUTES and that is when in the process the key decisions are made!!! You spent all kinds of time telling us how important FEL is but then when you created your MADM Analysis, you totally ignored the importance of when the decisions are being made!!!

    I hate to reject this but you are going to look really foolish if you don't factor in at least one or more SCORING ATTRIBUTES that show us when the DECISIONS are being made. Also be sure to check out the Guild of Project Controls and find out what the focus should be for each of the DSP packages. (What decisions should be the priority for each phase gate) This way you can put a lot more weight on the WHEN each decision is made. ( - Cost Estimating Processes (Owners and Contractors)

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta

    1. Hi Paul. I will review what you commented and work again on the scoring attributes.

    BIM Implementation INDIA


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W20_Dashboard with Business Intelligence 3

1)      Step 1- Problem or Opportunity Statement A BI dashboard is a tool that transforms information and displays Key Performance Indi...