Tuesday, 1 October 2019

W20_Dashboard with Business Intelligence 3

1)    Step 1- Problem or Opportunity Statement
A BI dashboard is a tool that transforms information and displays Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and metrics to assess organizational performance. BI systems are capable of consolidating very complex data from internal or external third parties, which uses different applications to centralize the information and convert it into actionable data. This data compares to other metrics and performance indicators.
Business Intelligence dashboard is a powerful tool to elaborate dashboard with big data. It is also more useful for the dashboard to project managers, project directors, and executive managers. 
Can Business Intelligence’s applications provide efficiency of use of resources, the stability of administration of the information, scalability to share spreadsheets or data, and avoid indifference from managers of watching the reports generated?
In Post W19_Dashboard with Business Intelligence 2, a dashboard for Oil and Gas Projects can also be elaborated with BI Platforms. 
The author has perceived that for elaborating a dashboard, the data source needs to prepare differently among BI platforms. It cannot be the same for all the charts we want to use for each BI platform.
There are other differentiators than can be analyzed to determine other advantages of BI platforms compare to MS Excel. 
What other advantages of making a dashboard with Business Intelligence platforms compare to other reporting software?
Let’s determine the advantages of Business Intelligence over other report software.

2)    Step 2 – Feasible Alternatives
For reporting, we will compare
1.     Business Intelligence Software
a.      Power BI Desktop
b.     IBM Cognos Online
c.      Dundas BI Online

2.     MS Excel

3)    Step 3- Develop the outcomes for each alternative
We can get the following reports in the form of dashboards or tables from each platform as follows:
1.     Business Intelligence Software
a.      Power BI Desktop


Based on the following list of charts:
·        Area charts: Basic (Layered) and Stacked
·        Bar and column charts
·        Cards: Single number
·        Cards: Multi-row
·        Combo charts
·        Doughnut charts
·        Funnel charts
·        Gauge charts
·        Key influencers chart
·        KPIs
·        Line charts
·        Maps: Basic maps
·        Maps: ArcGIS maps
·        Maps: Filled maps (Choropleth)
·        Maps: Shape maps
·        Matrix
·        Pie charts
·        Ribbon chart
·        Scatter, bubble, and dot plot charts
·        Scatter-high density
·        Slicers
·        Standalone images
·        Tables
·        Treemaps
·        Waterfall charts

b.     IBM Cognos Online

Based on the following list of charts:
·        Column Charts
·        Line Charts
·        Pie Charts
·        Bar Charts
·        Area Charts
·        Point Charts
·        Combination Charts
·        Scatter Charts
·        Bubble Charts
·        Quadrant Charts
·        Bullet Charts
·        Gauge Charts
·        Pareto Charts
·        Progressive Column Charts
·        Micro charts
·        Marimekko Charts
·        Radar Charts
·        Polar Charts
·        Range Indicator Charts

c.      Dundas BI Online

Based on the following list of charts:
·        Data Bar Table
·        Table
·        Calculate Box Plot
·        Parallel Coordinates
·        Treemap
·        Add Trend Line
·        Bar
·        Stacked Bar
·        Line
·        Point
·        Pie
·        Scatter Plot
·        Pie/Sunburst
·        Waterfall
·        Radar Charts
·        Gauges

2.     MS Excel

4)    Step 4- Selection of the acceptable criteria.
In W19_Dashboard with Business Intelligence 2, we have used suggested metrics made by Stephen J.C. Paterson. He also mentions that NDIA offers other metrics that can be reported such as:
1.    Schedule       
a.    SPIt vs TSPIed: A comparison of past and future schedule efficiency
The chart should be similar to the chart of CPI vs TCPIeac. See below.
2.    Cost
a.    CPI vs TCPIeac: Forecast Efficiency Rate

3.    Staffing
a.    Staffing Profile: A time-phased, 12 months rolling full -time equivalent (FTE) headcount by-product, organizational, or functional area of individuals required on the program

b.    Critical Skills Key Personnel "Churn"/Dilution Metrics: Project Team members are considered a Critical Skill if the loss of those individuals would directly or indirectly impact program technical requirements, compliance, cost or schedule performance, customer commitments, or program deliverables.

c.     Critical Resource Multiplexing Metric: % of personnel dedicated to the program vs the % that is spread across multiple programs.

4.    Risk and Opportunity
a.    Risk and Opportunity $ vs Management Reserve $: Visual gauge of the rate at which MR is being expended against the estimated risk exposure on a project

b.    SRA Histogram (Frequence Distribution Graph): Calculates the probability of achieving a specific scheduled completion date

c.     Sra Sensitivity (Tornado) Graphs: Used to identify the activities most likely to drive the outcomes

d.    Schedule Margin Burn-down: A tangible representation of the time associated with the risks to an end-item deliverable or contract event

5.    Requirements
a.    Requirements completeness: Indicates progress in eliciting and documenting all the requirements necessary for final, completed system design. It compares planned completion with the actual completion

b.    Requirements volatility: Measure of a not-yet-stable requirements baseline

c.     TBD/TDR Burn Down: "To-Be-Determined" (TBD) or "To-Be-Resolved" (TBR) refers to the system, subsystem, or product requirements that have not been finalized, as listed or specified in the requirements documents or models

d.    Requirements Traceability: A measure that determines how accurately a program's requirements are maturing to support a baseline solution at various Acquisition Phases

6.    Technical Performance Measures
a.    Technical Performance Measure Compliance: Involves predicting the future values of a key technical performance parameter of the high-level end product under development based on current assessments of products lower in the system structure.

7.    Contract Health
a.    Contract Mods: The trending contract modifications which help predict the accuracy of the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) and ensures that the contract was written correctly

b.    Baseline Revisions: Indicates lack of control to the PMB in the near term is when the percent change of baseline dollars approaches 6% or more. This metric, similar to contract modifications, helps to validate the integrity of the PMB.

c.     Program Funding Plan: A measure of the funding stability on the program

d.    Program Funding Status: Actual and projected cumulative program funding compared to projected program expenditures plus potential termination liability
e.    Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - Actual Billings vs Forecast Billings: Measures how well the contractor is performing against forecast or planned billings

8.    Supply Chain
a.    Parts Demand Fulfillment: Tied to On-Time Delivery (OTD), the percent measurement of total items received at the agreed-upon Due Date.

b.    Supplier Acceptance Rate: The percentage of acceptable versus rejected delivered parts in a month for approved suppliers

c.     Supplier Late Starts: A Supplier Late Starts is any course of events that prevent a supplier from being able to begin manufacturing  the items on a Purchase Order

d.    Production Line of Balance: Means of integrating the flow of materials and components into the manufacture of end items in accordance with time-phased delivery requirements

9.    Other
a.    Rayleigh Estimator: A nonlinear function used to model cumulative cost accrual in research and development (R&D) contracts.

We are going to find out if Bi Platforms can elaborate or report those kinds of indicators.

5)    Step 5- Compare the outcomes from each alternative analysis done in Step 3 against the minimum acceptable criteria from Step 4.
It is necessary to elaborate a database to create all those charts in any BI Platform. The author has used the same information shown in the images inserted above.
The database can be shared to download if the reader wants to practice the elaboration of the same charts on a different platform. Send an email to the author to piero.anticona@gmail.com 
The dashboards elaborated by the different platforms are as follows:
1.     Business Intelligence Software
a.      Power BI Desktop
Power Bi - Dashboard 1
Power BI - Dashboard 2
Power BI - Dashboard 3
Power BI - Dashboard 4

b.     IBM Cognos Online
IBM Cognos  - Dashboard 1
IBM Cognos - Dashboard 2
IBM Cognos - Dashboard 3
IBM Cognos - Dashboard 4

c.      Dundas BI Online
Dundas - Dashboard 1
Dundas - Dashboard 2
Dundas - Dashboard 3
Dundas - Dashboard 4

2.     MS Excel
Most of the metrics listed in Step 4 are made with MS Excel.Most of the metrics listed in Step 4 are made with MS Excel. 

As a result, we can summarize in the table below what metrics have been replicated. The author has considered three colors:
Green: If the chart contains the same information as the example (except for the title of the chart)
Yellow:  If some lines, curves, bars, axis, and other information is missing.
Red: It can not be replicated.

6)    Step 6- Selection of the “best”.
As shown in the table above, not all the metrics can be replicated with a BI platform.
The best BI Platform that can replicate most of the charts is Dundas BI.
Maybe a better knowledge of each BI Platform might help to include or add more information missing for the yellow metrics. We also have to consider that two BI platforms were trial versions. So, some features might be restricted or might be available only for a fully downloaded version. 
It seems that for these unique metrics, MS Excel is still the best platform to elaborate on them. It offers better flexibility and a more intuitive way to elaborate charts. 

7)    Step 7- How to plan on tracking/reporting on recommended choice. 
As shown in this post, other metrics suggested by NDIA can not be replicated as MS Excel does it.
It was not easy for the author to intuitively determine how to elaborate on the charts. 
It might be necessary to analyze if there is another way to report the same information based on what the BI platform can elaborate on.  

1.   Durcevic, S. (2019, July 24). 10 Business Intelligence Dashboard Best Practices In The Digital Age. Retrieved August 28, 2019, from https://www.datapine.com/blog/bi-dashboard-best-practices/
2.   Conrad, A. (2018, November). Top Business Intelligence Requirements & Checklist Template for 2019. Retrieved August 28, 2019, from https://selecthub.com/business-intelligence/top-business-intelligence-requirements/
3.   Spicer, T. (2019, March 22). The Definitive 10-Point Scorecard Before Choosing a BI Solution - DZone Big Data. Retrieved August 28, 2019, from https://dzone.com/articles/the-definitive-10-point-checklist-before-arriving
4.   Microsoft. (2019, August 20). Visual types in Power BI. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/consumer/end-user-visual-type
5.   Paterson, S. (2017, October). Best in Class – Dashboards for Oil and Gas Projects. Retrieved September 27, 2019, from https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pmwj63-Oct2017-Paterson-Best-in-Class-Dashboards-for-OG-Projects.pdf
6.  National Defense Industrial Association. (2017, September 12). A Guide to Managing Programs Using Predictive Measures. Retrieved October 1, 2019, from https://www.ndia.org/-/media/sites/ndia/divisions/ipmd/ndia-ipmd-predictivemeasuresguide-rev-2-july312017.ashx?la=en  


  1. AWESOME, Pieoro!!! Doing a great job on the work you are doing but you really need to pick up the pace. These are all great examples and I think you have the makings of an excellent paper.

    Let's get this one wrapped up and submitted for publication.

    You also need to go back and revisity your "Cheat Sheet" as you prepare for your GPC exam (Expert level) or for your INTERVIEW (Fellow Level) If you have decided to apply for FELLOW level, you should do that now so you will be done by the end of the year.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta

  2. Very nice, Piero!!! Excellent 5 Star blog posting!!!

    Keep pushing hard to get those last papers wrapped up and get you Guild certified!!!

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta

  3. Thanks for the bright ideas you share with us. I learned a lot after reading this blog. I hope you continue sharing your thoughts with us. You may also visit here to know more about Business Intelligence Software.


W20_Dashboard with Business Intelligence 3

1)      Step 1- Problem or Opportunity Statement A BI dashboard is a tool that transforms information and displays Key Performance Indi...